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One more COVID update…

With any luck this may be one of the last COVID-19 updates that I need to do. I do feel a little afraid to say that it really does finally look like we might be getting back to some level of longer term normality but I am feeling more hopeful! Things are certainly looking more positive and although the omicron variant has seemed pretty virulent, fortunately most people, who have been unlucky enough to succumb to it, haven’t been too unwell. Please read on for a summary of my current guidance for coming along to treatments and classes. If you are booked for a class you will receive more specific information prior to coming along.


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Healing isn’t linear: or two steps forward and one step back?

Two steps forward
When you are healing, recovering or experiencing a challenging time, the improvements or progress that you see are often far from linear. It is very common to find that one day you feel more energetic and want to push yourself and then the next can feel like a, sometimes huge, step backwards. In the pursuit of good self-care, (a topic that you may well know is very close to my heart and one I feel passionately about), it is so important to embrace this as being simply the nature of the beast.

Good days and bad
On the good days you might want to really enjoy that stretch but finding the balance of what is too much can be tricky. Human nature is such that most people are not very comfortable feeling vulnerable or unable to do things they have previously taken for granted. Because of this you may well have found yourself, on many occasions, overdoing it and pushing too hard too soon. When this happens it can easily feel like a big setback but if you can move away from the idea that the progress you make ‘should’ be linear you might find it easier to listen to your body and what feels right for you at any given moment.


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Extreme Self-Care: why you need it and why self-care can be so hard


Championing the importance of good self-care is something that I have become increasingly passionate about. As a fellow human being I know, first hand, that nudging yourself a little higher up the priority list is far from easy. If you tend to take on the role of caring for others, personally or professionally, this can be particularly hard. Is this something that you find yourself struggling with, despite your best intentions, and at some times more than others?

This week, I wanted to share some personal insights about the challenges of self-care so, if you’d like to understand a bit more about why self-care can be so hard, please read on and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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Guidelines for coming to appointments

With yet another change to restrictions from 27th January 2022 I have once again updated these guidelines for attending appointments at both of my practices.
I am very mindful of my responsibility to keep my clients, my fellow therapists and myself as safe as possible, both in limiting the risk of transmission and in avoiding any unnecessary need to self-isolate.
I would be grateful if you could read this information before coming to your appointment and agree to abide by the guidance set out. As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

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Contact Us

Address: 3 The Old School House
The Courtyard
Shaftesbury SP7 8BP
United Kingdom

Tel: 07941 031427

Email: karen@naturalhealingenergy.com

Dr Karen Janes

Dr Karen Janes is the owner and founder of Natural Healing Energy, which she set up in 2005. She is an experienced practitioner of energy healing and has a background in psychology, which informs the counselling aspect of her work. She is a Reiki Master and Teacher and a Master Teacher Member of the UK Reiki Federation.

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